Medicare Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organizations / Mssp Aco - Track 1

Medicare Shared Savings Program

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The Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) is the primary Medicare ACO program. The MSSP was derived from the Physician Group Demonstration Project, which started during the George W. Bush administration, and the MSSP was permanently authorized by the Affordable Care Act. MSSP began in 2012 with two participation options, Track 1 and 2. MSSP Track 3 was added in 2016, and Track 1+ was added in 2018.

CMS created a new program structure for MSSP in 2019 that the agency calls "Pathways to Success". Tracks 1 and 2 were split to became Basic Levels A through D. Track 1+ became Level E, and Track 3 became the Enhanced Track.Click the image above for NAACOS in-depth analysis of CMS's final Pathways rule detailing everything ACOs need to know about the program.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created several changes to MSSP that ACOs should be aware of. Visit our dedicated COVID-19 page for more information on those changes.


  • CMS MSSP webpage and federal regulations governing the MSSP
    • 2021 MSSP ACOs, a map of 2021 participants, a list of 2021 participants and SNF affiliates
  • 2021 "Fast Facts" from CMS
  • NAACOS's paperDifferences Between Medicare ACO Tracks that May Impact ACO Financial Results
    • NAACOS's interactive table for ACOs to input their own projected values to help ACOs illustrate how they may perform under the various tracks.

NAACOS-Member Resources

  • NAACOS summary of the 2022 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Final Rule
  • NAACOS ACO Comparison Chart showing the new Pathways structure and old MSSP structure
  • NAACOS review assesses the impact of high-low revenue designations
  • NAACOS chart of CMS Innovation Center models and their overlap with ACOs
  • NAACOS chart comparing Direct Contracting and other high-risk ACOS
  • NAACOS Analysis of the final "Pathways to Success" Rule
    • Frequently Asked Questions on the Final Pathways to Success Rule
    • NAACOS Review of ACO Pathways to Success Provisions included in the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Rule
  • NAACOS holds webinar providing in-depth review of final 'Pathways to Success' rule and participation options for 2019 and beyond

CMS Resources

  • Application details for a 2022 start date on CMS'swebsite
    • Thisapplication toolkit from CMS provides additional help
    • Key 2022 application actions and deadlines

    • Participation Options for 2022

  • CMS guidance on how the COVID-19 PHE is changing shared savings and losses and assignment (Issued Dec. 2020)
  • CMS highlights MSSP flexibilities to fight COVID-19
  • CMS publishes telehealth factsheet
  • CMS releases ACO toolkit highlighting strategies for delivering value-based care
    • A number of case studies and toolkits continued to be published on this CMS page
  • CMS Program Guidance and Specifications
    • Beneficiary Incentive Program guidance
    • Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) 3-Day Rule waiver guidance
    • ACO participant lists and participant agreements guidance
    • Shared Savings and Losses and Assignment Methodology Specifications

News and Advocacy


  • NAACOS and 11 other organizationsask CMS to provide ACOs with the options to select pre-pandemic years for benchmarks in 2022
  • NAACOS and other notable organizations write HHS Secretary Becerra on advancing Medicare's value-based care initiatives
  • NAACOS and 13 other leading organizations support the Value in Health Care Act of 2021
    • Section-by-section summary and press release
  • NAACOS submits comments to CMS in response to 2022 proposed IPPS rule
  • NAACOS and 12 others write Congress in support of the Accountable Care In Rural America Act (H.R. 3746)
    • One-page summary of the "Rural Glitch" issue andpress release on the letter
  • NAACOS asks CMS to extend MSSP application deadlines
  • NAACOS and 10 others write HHS asking for a delay in MSSP quality overhaul
  • NAACOSwrites HHS Secretary Becerra on policy priorities for the new administration
  • Highlights of ACO results from 2019 and overall savings since 2012

  • Accountable Care OrganizationsSaved Medicare $2.6 Billion in 2019
  • ACO ParticipationHit Low During Trump Administration


  • NAACOS and 12 other leading organizationssupportthe Value in Health Care Act
    • Section-by-sectionsummary andpress release
  • NAACOS Welcomes CMS's Interim Final Rule Addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • NAACOS Statement on MedPAC's Position on ACOs During COVID-19
  • Nine Leading OrganizationsAsk CMS for More Participation Options for ACOs
  • NAACOS Welcomes CMS's Interim Final Rule Addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • More than Half of Participants Likely to Leave Cost-Saving Medicare Program
  • NAACOSWelcomes CMS's Interim Final Rule Addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • NAACOS and nine others ask CMS for relief from COVID-19 response
  • NAACOS Calls on CMS to Address MACRA Implementation Issues
  • NAACOS Urges CMS to Remove Beneficiary Notification Requirement for ACOs
  • CMS announces 2020 Medicare ACO class


  • 2018 performance data from CMS shows MSSP generated $1.7 billion in savings, prompting this NAACOS statement
    • NAACOS resource includes highlights from the 2018 MSSP results
  • CMS Responds to NAACOS Concerns Regarding Beneficiary Notification Requirement

  • CMS proposed 2020 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule makes several changes to MSSP, which is available here along with this CMS factsheet.

  • NAACOS statement on the 2019 Medicare ACO Class
  • NAACOS Statement on MedPAC's June Report to Congress
  • NAACOS advocacy results in changes to ACO-17 quality measure for 2018
    • NAACOS urges CMS to make changes to scoring of ACO-17 (smoking cessation) quality measure for 2018
  • NAACOS Urges CMS to Postpone Beneficiary Notification Requirement
  • NAACOS advocates for one-sided ACOs to have access to telehealth in revised legislation
  • The application deadline for July 1, 2019 starts was February 19; NAACOS released a statement calling for CMS to extend the deadline into March


  • CMS releases final ACO 'Pathways to Success' rule in December 2018
    • NAACOS statement on the final Pathways to Success rule
    • NAACOS releases a report sharing ACO feedback on the proposed CMS Pathways to Success rule
    • Lawmakers Ask for Key Changes in Final Medicare ACO Regulation
    • Nine stakeholder groups urge CMS to ensure continued success of ACO program
    • ACOs Saved Medicare $2.7 Billion from 2013-2016
  • Final NAACOS comments on the Proposed Pathways to Success Rule
  • NAACOS Testifies on Capitol Hill
  • Study Shows ACOs Saved Medicare $1.84 Billion from 2013 to 2015
    • 2017 performance data from CMS shows positive results, prompting NAACOS statement
    • NAACOS resource includes highlights of the 2017 MSSP results
  • NAACOSresource provides highlights of the 2018 Medicare ACO class and shows ACO growth over time
  • NAACOS and five other provider organizations send aletter to CMS requesting that ACOs meeting cost or quality criteria be able to remain in Track 1
  • NAACOS comments on Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances policy for ACOs
  • NAACOS letter to CMS identifies PY2016 MSSP calculation error affecting ACOs with previous savings and rebased benchmarks in 2016
    • CMS Response about PY2016 Calculations
  • CMS announces 561 MSSP ACOs in 2018
    • NAACOS press release and CMS factsheet

2017 and earlier

  • CMS releases interim final rule establishing extreme and uncontrollable circumstances policies in MSSP for ACOs subject events such as Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, and the California wildfires, effective for performance year 2017
  • Highlights of the 2016 Medicare ACO performance results
    • NAACOS press release on PY 2016 ACO results
    • CMS releases performance year 2016 MSSP results, available in this Public Use File and CMS Presentation
    • NAACOS letter expresses concerns about delayed PY 2016 results, urges CMS action
  • NAACOS March 2017 letter to CMS Administrator Seema Verma on ACO improvements
  • NAACOS policy paper with detailed recommendations for improving the Medicare ACO program
  • CMS Press Release on Announcement of 2017 ACO Class
    • NAACOS Joins CMS in Welcoming 525 ACOs in 2017!  NAACOS Statement
  • Performance Year 2015 Results
    • Performance Year 2015 CMS Fact Sheet
    • NAACOS Statement on Performance Year 2015 Results and Analysis of 2015 and early program years
  • NAACOS Statement on CMS's Announcement of 2016 ACO Class
  • Performance Year 2014 Results
    • CMS Announces 2014 Performance Year Results
    • Performance Year 2014 CMS Fact Sheet
    • NAACOS Statement on Performance Year 2014 Results
  • CMS Releases June 2015 MSSP ACO Final Rule  affecting numerous MSSP policies.
    • CMS summary of the June 2015 Final Rule Provisions for ACOs under the MSSP
    • NAACOS Statement Regarding CMS June 2015 MSSP ACO Final Rule
  • Performance Year 2013 Results
    • CMS Press Release on Performance Year 2013 Results
    • NAACOS Statement on Performance Year 2013 Results
  • Performance Year 2012 Results
    • CMS Releases Performance Year 2012 Results by ACO
    • CMS Announces ACO Savings from Performance Year 2012
    • NAACOS Statement on Performance Year 2012 Results
  • CMS Announces 123 New Accountable Care Organizations

Medicare Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organizations / Mssp Aco - Track 1


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